Prepare for the May 15th, 2022 network upgrade!


Cash Improvement Proposals

Cash Improvement Proposals (CHIPs) are documents that record proposals to upgrade the Bitcoin Cash protocol, and their ongoing progress, both technical and consensus-building.

A recommended process can be found here.

TitleLast updatedConsensusActivatedTags
CHIP-2022-02-CashTokens: Token Primitives for Bitcoin Cash2022/02/22YesNoScript,Tokens,Transactions
CHIP-2021-05-vm-limits: Targeted Virtual Machine Limits2021/05/12YesNo
CHIP 2021-07 UTXO Fastsync2021/07/07NoNo
CHIP-2021-05 Minimum Fee Rate Voting Via Versionbits2021/05/31NoNoMempool-policy,Fee policy
CHIP-2021-05-loops: Bounded Looping Operations2021/05/29YesNoScript
CHIP-2021-03-12 Multiple OP_RETURNs for Bitcoin Cash2021/03/26NoYesTransactions
CHIP-2021-01 Restrict-Transaction-Version2021/03/16YesNoTransactions
CHIP-2021-01 Allow Transactions to be smaller in size2021/03/16YesNoTransactions
Unconfirmed Transaction Chain Limit2021/03/08NoYesMempool-policy

No CHIP matched the selected tags.